This past Sunday I made the most wonderful "On The Go" breakfast item. I'm not a huge cereal eater so I'm always on the look out for something I can grab before work. Smitten Kitchen had this recipe for scones that I just had to try. And man, did they turn out awesome.
On the original post, she said that the scones were stale the next day. I guess I didn't notice. I wrapped it in plastic wrap and threw it in my bag. When I got to work I heated it up in the microwave in the plastic wrap for about 30 seconds. Then I topped it with some grape jelly. Usually around 10:30 or so I would be hungry and ready for lunch. But I've been having one of these for breakfast and I'm full until lunchtime at noon. Paired with a Seattle's Best Iced Vanilla Latte and it's a breakfast of champs.
Next time, and by next time I mean this weekend, I think I'm going to try these or maybe these. We shall see.
Since I didn't do a Tuesday Tunes, I think I'm going to through it in here and call it a Thursday Tune. This past summer I discovered Ellie Goulding during my kick of British music/singers/bands/etc. She is fantastic. Tuesday I think, I came across a cover she did of Elton John's "Your Song." Fell in love with it.
Alright, off to tackle some design and hopefully go to bed at a decent hour. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.