2011 brought:
- New friends
- Grand adventures with new friends
- Grand adventures with old friends
- A pile of ideas and plans for the future
- Learning to make 3D models of itty-bitty computer parts like none-other
- A great new job!
- Indulging in the world of web design, WordPress, and social media
- A start to understanding CSS and HTML
- Lots of new crafts
- Learning to drive in the Cities by myself
- New recipes
- Paying bills...
- Mistakes and lessons learned
- A another year of finding out who I am
This year I am not making a formal list of resolutions. Some people say that writing goals down is the best way to make sure you complete them. I'm starting to find that when I look back at that list (after forgetting about it 2 months in...) I am disappointed in those things I wasn't able to cross off. And that tends to be more of the focus than the things that were accomplished. Because many times those accomplishments weren't planned goals.
For 2012:
- Greet every opportunity to grow and learn
- Keep on track and stay focused
- Enjoy time with friends and family
- Have more grand adventures
- Continue to learn and be curious about the world
- Keep finding who I am
- Enjoy whatever comes my way
- Challenge myself but start by taking baby steps
- Understand that results don't happen overnight- they take time, patience, and hardwork
Here's to another year ahead. Twenty Twelve- Bring it on!