Yesterday was Ashley & Nate's wedding and it was beyond wonderful. I have tons of photos to sort through and edit. I'm excited. I was trying to do some simple edits with the random software on my laptop but the images keep flipping and doing weird things. will have to wait until I get back to TRF to get them on my Mac and use some real editing software (Photoshop, I miss you).
I am also excited to see the photos done by the photographer who did the bridal party/family photos. We got to take photos on tanks! The wedding was at Camp Ripley and there is a little museum there with military vehicles you can climb on and look at. And getting onto a tank in a bridesmaid dress isn't easy...Trust me. The photographer was great. She brought out this old vintage chair thing that I really wanted to run away with.
Right now, I am sitting in a hotel room in Hutchinson watching HGTV. (Why do people on ridiculous infomercials yell?) Tomorrow I am going to the new place I will be starting working at beginning of August. Then I will be doing some massive apartment hunting. I am not leaving until I find one. So hope I find one.
It is just got done thunderstorming...
And now I am off to bed. It has been a long weekend. TRF to Little Falls, then to Hutchinson and over to Chaska to have dinner with Marlon, and back to Hutchinson. Tomorrow it will be Hutchinson to TRF. Lots and lots of driving...

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