Yesterday I got together with a group of college friends. A couple of them I hadn't seen in probably a year. It was great to hang out with them again. It was just the spontaneous weekend my brain needed to re-energize, refresh, and re-focus.
My friend Nick took me to the
Minneapolis Sculpture Garden at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis yesterday. Even though I'm from MN, I hadn't ever been there before. It was great to get outside
(even though it was quite chilly), take a look at some local art, and snap a couple of photos. I can't wait to go back in the spring/summer when I won't freeze.

This morning before I headed back to Hutch,
Marlon and I were talking about design, life, and our enthusiasm for our careers and the future. He made a comment about how we both have made it a habit to surround ourselves with extremely passionate people. And it's true, all of our good friends are people who are enthusiastic about something and aren't content with just settling. They are people who keep challenging us to be better and help remind us of our passions when we are having a rough time.
I reflected a bit on that during my drive back to Hutch and realized how true that was. Most importantly, I realize how important these people are to my life.
This weekend really reminded myself that I need to get out and give my creative batteries a good recharging on a regular basis. It's easy to turn on autopilot and just cruise along.