Blabac talks about how he would sit and study his photos after he got them developed to figure out how to achieve the look he wanted. And then once digital photography came around how he felt it was cheating because those techniques became a lot easier. The challenge was taken away. But he chose to use it as a strength instead and push a bit further.
Something in his interview that particularly struck me was when Blabac reflected on some of the great photos he's taken. He said,
"It's just those rad moments that you don't always get to capture that if not significant now, 10 years from now when you get to look back on them, or 20, that you're just like, 'Oh my god, that's such a sick image.'"
You can watch his interview here. And while you're at it, check out Chase Gabor's interview too.
Photographs by Mike Blabac. I wish mine where that good. One day.

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