Photos taken at the Pioneer Farm in Roseau, MN and on the drive back to southern MN.
I have joined the Instagram bandwage with my new iPhone I treated myself to this weekend. I no longer have what we refer to at work as "a dumb phone."
I think I can count on less than one hand the moments when I know I have truly been living in the moment. Rarely do I recognize it at the time. This weekend was one of them.
I had the privilege of being a bridesmaid in a good friend's wedding this past weekend. It was full of cowboy boots, line dancing, country music, and two-stepping. I met some pretty awesome people who know how to get down and have a good time. Even the clean up after everybody left was made into a party. We spent many hours dancing, laughing, taking photos and making some great memories.
The Saturday of the wedding I had no worries about my 6 1/2 - 7 hour drive back to reality the next day. I had no worries about the pile of work that would be waiting for me on Monday morning and all the projects that needed to be finished. No worries of how my paycheck I had just gotten the day before would disappear quickly into my gas tank.
Of course, it wasn't until that 6 1/2 hour drive that I realized all of this - when I put on some good ol' country tunes and watched the Minnesota farmland blow by me for 330 miles. I had a smile that just wouldn't seem to budge...
"Days like these - they go by way too fast. Days like these - you wanna make them last."

stumbled across your blog, love your photos