Wow, I cannot believe another year and come and gone. And man, did a hell of a lot happen this year. I guess its that time to remember and look forward!
ONE My Senior Portfolio Presentation. Seven months ago, SEVEN months ago, I presented my portfolio. It seems so long ago...but yet, I remember it like yesterday. That's what every Design Technology student works towards in order to graduate. I spent all week before my presentation not sleeping, rehearsing, prepping, not eating, stressing, and living in Bridgeman Hall. But it was all worth it, my presentation was everything I had hoped for, everything I had ever wanted when I watched my first presenter go through it way back my freshman year. All of my hardwork paid off and my presentation went off without a glitch!
TWO One job...Two jobs...Three jobs. I have had three jobs this year and each one was/is an adventure.
One) My ARHD job. It was one of the best years of my college career.
Two) Resident Advisor for Upward Bound. I miss those kids!
Three) My current job as a Media Production Designer with Digi-Key. I am now a grown-up.
THREE Madison Trip. I went on a week long trip with Upward Bound to Madison and it was fantastic! House on the Rock, Cave of the Mounds, The Henry Vilas Zoo, WI Dells, State Street. I cannot wait to go back!
FOUR FRIENDS! Spending time with my friends, new and old, I miss them SOOO much. Green Mill dates, BBQs, movie nights ("Carpe the Diem. Seize the Carp!" "Did we just become best friends?!" Yep! "Wanna go to karate in the garage?! Yep!"), skateboarding, snowboarding, shopping, Keg, etc. The list could go on, and on, and on.
It has been a year of making new friends with all of the jobs I've gone through. I love meeting new people. That's one of the things I love about the Human Resources type jobs and it's one of the things I miss most about college and my Residential Life jobs.
FIVE Spending time with my friends, I miss them SOOO much. Green Mill dates, BBQs, movie nights ("Carpe the Diem. Seize the Carp!" "Did we just become best friends?!" Yep! "Wanna go to karate in the garage?! Yep!"), skateboarding, snowboarding, shopping, Keg, etc. The list could go on, and on, and on.
SIX Getting to do the things I never had time for in college. Mostly, all the crafty things I've been up to, the crocheting, kind of sewing, and my blog. I'm glad I have time for things like this now!
SEVEN Becoming a grown-up...Or at least, getting a good start. In this category I'm going to put, getting closer to my parents. I think that's a huge part of growing-up and realizing that they aren't as bad as they seem. I started paying my own rent and paying off my student loans. I like being independent...I kind of thrive off of it.
I LOVE this poster and the sayings are so true. I think this is something I'm going to live my this next year. I live my life looking forward to the things I get to do. It keeps be going day to day.
Image found here.
ONE Be more healthy. I know, it's on everybody's lists and it's something I've been trying to do every year. College was a difficult time, being busy, running here, running there, and just eating whatever was around. I definitely didn't make time to work out...because I could never really find a good time. So for 2011 I'm going to:
One) Do my yoga 4 times a week until it gets nice out again and I can integrate running (hopefully in the mornings before work). I must get in shape for the wedding I'll be in later this summer.
Two) Eat better. Since I've started my job this is something I've been better at. I only eat out twice a month, and those are dinner dates with a friend and when I go home. I've been doing a lot of cooking and making my own food. I like it.
Three) Stop biting my nails. I was doing so well at this, then got frustrated/bored with something at work and gave in. (I figured habits could be health related...)
TWO Start an Etsy Shop. Hopefully I can do this late January/early February. I need to get my butt in gear making things. I have been making Christmas and birthday presents and haven't really been making things that I could sell...I got to get going!
THREE Seattle. I think there's only a couple people who know the true meaning of this.
FOUR Design more. Since graduation I really haven't been doing too much design work. I feel like I'm kind of losing it. So I'm hoping that I can do something design related once a week...or biweekly. More than just a rinky-dink banner for Handmade on Sunday, but a typography poster, or logo, or something else. If any of my designing friends want to join in with me so we can keep each other on track, give critiques, etc., let me know!
FIVE Save Money! I haven't been doing do well at this so far. I'm pretty disappointed in myself. But being broke while starting a job, my student loans kicking in way to soon after starting my job, Christmas...Yikes! So yes, save money. Making my savings account look good for the first time....well ever.
Well there's my thoughts on the year past...on the year to come. I really like this time of year, getting to look back and getting to look forward. Like I stated under the poster, the future drives me. There are so many things I want to accomplish and knowing that makes every day worth living.
Alright, well back to watching Chuck and starting a new project.