On the drive home. I've passed these twice now and finally got to stop this time. Some old guy passed me and looked at me like I was crazy or something...
One of my favorite places to be. I found some awesome thrifty things at one of the stores, here to find out, they only take cash. And when I take my camera around, all I carry is my ID and cash card. I had to say good-bye to a vintage camera ($4!!!), an awesome old champagne bottle ($1!!!), and some sheet music I was going to use for...something (also a $1). It was sad. But hopefully next time I go home, which looks like this weekend, I'm going back to reclaim those wonderful prizes.
On the farm. It's all in the details, I swear.
At first...I wanted to make this picture look creepy...Then I decided not because that sky is just too beautiful.
I <3 snow.
My pupppp-eh. We were having tons of fun playing in the snow. She moves so fast, its difficult to get a good photograph. She's not too big, but she's strong. Almost knocked me flat on my back a few times after running straight into my knees.
Christmas decorations.
And last, but not least, my faaaaaavorite photo. Gorgeous.
At some point in the near future, I'll post some more. I have no idea what my problem is right now, at work I wanted to fall asleep and now I feel like I could run around like a little kid. Time to get some of this energy out.

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