My floor and futon have been covered in yarn since I've moved in since I'm always making something. I've got at least two projects going on at once so the place doesn't stay too clean or organized for too long...Oh well.
(Ignore the ugly gray carpet...Not my choice to have it.)
Navy and gold hat at with bow on side.
Behind it are wrist warmers that can either be worn with or without other gloves/mittens.
Deep Purple and gold hat with poof.
Go Vikings or Lakers! (Or whoever else is purple and gold, like my high school sports team)
Teal scarf with three button embellishments.
Baby blue scarf with three crocheted white flowers with gray button centers.
I've also been working on some headbands (like the one I'm wearing in the photo in my "About" section), earwarmers, and other styles of hats that are hard to photograph without a model. Hopefully soon I can find somebody willing to model my creations for me. Hopefully I can grab a friend (*cough* Sam *cough*) while they are on Christmas break.
I want to be able to sell my crocheted creations at some point in the near future. I like to make this stuff but really have no use for a dozen scarves, hats, and whatever else I find to make. If you would like something, let me know!
I have gone all day thinking that today is Friday...and sadly it is not. Therefore, I need to wake my butt up early and go to work for 8 hours. But then its the weekend. And hopefully the roads are good so Michelle can come visit me and we can go see TANGLED!
Have a good night everybody :)

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