Today I was listening to a podcast at work about diamonds from the Discovery Channel (love that channel.) And more specifically the Hope Diamond. It was thought to have been cut out of a larger diamond The French Blue, which originally cut from the The Tavernier Blue diamond. The French Blue was stolen during the French Revolution along with many other pieces of jewelry. The French Blue was the only diamond not to be recovered.
Then the Hope Diamond appeared in the family of Henry Philip Hope in 1839. After his death it ended up in the hands of his son, Henry Thomas Hope. And after a long journey through a few owners it was purchased by Henry Winston in 1949. He donated it to the Smithsonian Museum.
Image found here.
During the podcast they did some recreations of all three diamonds and placed them inside of each other finding out that the Hope Diamond was actually cut from the French Blue. They also thought that there was a sister diamond cut too since there would have been a large enough piece left over. They said though, that there wasn't and that the extras were just ground to dust. Which is sad because of how precious that would be.
They ended the podcast discussing handmade diamonds. I think handmade diamonds ruin the whole allure of real diamonds. Especially with how long it takes to create an actual diamond, billions of years. A factory now days can produce a diamond in FOUR days! Ridiculous! I love technology but I also love the things that Mother Nature produces and I think some things should be left untouched by science. But those are just my thoughts.
I think I'm going to start listening to podcasts like that at work more. It was very interesting. I love learning!
On another note:
Its the weeeekend! It's here! Finally. What a long week. I did accomplish 3 crochet projects this week thought.
Up first is a brown hat with a floral printed flower. Button center, of course :)
Bluuuue iPod case.
And finally a new bright blue neckwarmer/cowl.
Hopefully these can all go onto my Etsy shop when I finally open one up. I'm hoping by the end of the month I can get that up and running. We shall see! I have a cute idea for something new. Something along the lines of the Two Peas in a Pod. That will be my Sunday and into next week project. I've also started my granny squares for a quilt. That will be an on going project...What a project to start...
Hope you have a fantastic weekend! Stay warm.

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