Super creative and unique. Love it.
Images from A Beautiful Mess
Secondly, I am a huge Harry Potter fan. Have ever since I was like...12 or something. I'm sad that the series is slowly coming to a final end with the final part of the 7th movie coming out this summer. I grew up with the books and the movies. Pa and I like having series of movies to go to like HP and Lord of the Rings. I guess we will have to find something else now...
When the first Deathly Hallows came out in the theaters, I absolutely fell in love with this scene, the story about the Three Brothers and the Deathly Hallows. I think the animation is fantastic and well done.
Excuse the quality. The better one wasn't showing up in Blogger's YouTube thing...
This weekend I went down to Fargo. I picked up my bridesmaid dress, spent time with the fam, and purchased a lot more than I should have. But, I did find some good stuff. I took tons of pictures for a type study I've started. I got lots of walking in. Drove lots. Got lost once. Trains were the death of me this weekend. Finally got my new curtains Ma was fixing up for me. We got clever when we didn't want to spend a ton on fabric.
It looks like it will be a week full of stuff to blog about. Plus, last week I was digging around in my photos and found some of the vintage magazines I took like a month ago while at home that I forgot to fix up and post. Good thing I have plenty to do because my bank account is dry...
Oh, and Mother Nature thinks it's fun to tease Minnesota with a week of awesome weather. It snowed on Friday. It's supposed to snow tomorrow. And again on Wednesday. Ridiculous. I want some of that sun back. I would also like an extra day added to this weekend. No? Okay, fine. I'll go to work tomorrow.
Finally, I would like to share this link with you. I found Saturday morning right before I left. It is a blog post by Moorea entitled "On Beauty + Bullying: Paint Your Love." If you have ever been made fun of for looking a certain way, you aren't alone. I don't understand why people feel the need to judge other's for how they look. We are all human and we are all different. And that's the beauty of it. I'm glad there are people out there who are willing to share their stories to help others...It inspires me to one day tell mine.

The last Harry Potter movie is coming out on my birthday! Sounds like you had an exciting photo safari!